Friday 15 May 2009

Christchurch's artie stuff

Christchurch seems to have a lot of displays of art like stuff. I'm sure there's a proper word for permanently on display works of art shown in a public space, but I can't remember it. Alzheimer's here I come...

Anyway, so far, without even trying I've found some pretty incredible things. Like this park that's dedicated to dyslexics. It should help (as the t-shirt says) "Dyslexics Untie." Seriously though, it is really nice and has sit-down activated speeches.

Then there's the Firefighters memorial made from steel girders from the Twin Towers. The piece suspended in the centre of the larger bit in the background apparently comes form the 102nd floor! It's a very bizarre work of art, but also very thought provoking - especially as 343 firefighters died that day.

But the artwork isn't only modern. This building really caught my eye. Erected in 1929 as a combined streetlight, telephone box and clock tower it has really weird gargoyles spouting, not water, but the street lamps.

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